Mushroom Seed Handling

There are many factors that directly influenced the way we handle these seeds. Among them:

1. The ambient temperature of seeds - seeds should always be kept in the low temperature of 18 ° C - 20 ° C. This is a slow process for mycelium growth for the avoidance of it is quickly maturing. At this temperature, bacteria or spores of other hard to reproduce. Do not store seeds in the bonnet of your car. Take for example your home refrigerator. Foods stored in the refrigerator last longer. Recommended after the purchase of seeds, as soon as possible is stored in the refrigerator. Avoid exposure to high temperatures.

2. Storage environment - To remove the seeds, make sure it is kept in clean containers reply. Although seed bottles covered with cotton or aluminum foil, air can still move freely. Prepare a special container, such as special container with lid for polisterine brought seeds from suppliers to your place. Make sure the refrigerator clean. For the avoidance of mixing with other food, save seeds in containers such as plastic zip tie.

3. Not choosing the right seeds - Make sure the bottle has a white seed you are purchasing a whole. Ignore the bottles contained the seeds of grain which has not been found mycelium. Make sure that the mycelium is not bold, thick marks are old. Discard any seed that bottle effects such suspicious spots other than white. Buyer is responsible for ensuring that healthy seeds.

4. Factor block - Medium block affect mycelium growth after removal. The solid enough nutrients and perfectly steamed affect breeding mycelium. You can try to inject a bag that is not steamed. I believe, an opportunity for the mycelium to live is very thin because there are a lot of competition from other bacteria or fungi.

You can make a simple test before injecting to ensure the healthy seed. Before injecting, loosen the kernels of grain in the bottle so that looks brown seed grain. Allow at least 2-3 days. If you seed a strong and healthy, it will be white again. If not healthy, it is slowly emerging white or other color patches.

You can also do tests on previously stored in the refrigerator. But the decision a long time to get moving very slowly because the mycelium.

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